France-Russia Automotive



Published by Agence du Fil SARL@2011


Les Lettres du Fil

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France-Russia Automotive N°16
January 2014
France-Russia Automotive N°15
June 2013
France-Russia Automotive N°14
December 2012
France-Russia Automotive N°13
June 2012
France-Russia Automotive N°12
December 2011
France-Russia Automotive N°11
June 2011
France-Russia Automotive N°10
December 2010
The Overview 2009 of Russian Car Manufacturers - updated!
France-Russia Automotive N°9
June 2010
France-Russia Automotive N°8
December 2009
France-Russia Automotive N°7
June 2009
France-Russia Automotive N°6
France-Russia Automotive N°5
France-Russia Automotive N°4
France-Russia Automotive N°3
France-Russia Automotive N°2
France-Russia Automotive N°1





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    Dear reader,

You are about to read the first issue of the France-Russia Automotive (L'Auto Franco-Russe) publication, an economic newsletter focusing on the development of the Western automotive groups’ business in Russia.
The Russian market represented 140 million people and 230 cars for 1000 persons in 2010, compared to 600 cars for 1000 persons in France. One can expect Russian market will be boosted by the incomes of the oil industry.
When the French market is struggling, the Russian market experiences an impressive growth of 26% for the foreign brands cars.
Actually, Russian are said to be fond of "Made in France" products. When cars are concerned, they are desperate to get hold of the new Renault Logan assembled in Moscow. The Lionceau (Lion cub), the kind nickname that the Russians gave to the Peugeot 407, became the symbol of the prosperous new middle class. Indeed, new opportunities have opened for the French automobile manufacturers, equipment suppliers and distributors in Russia.
France-Russia Automotive will focus its reports on the French and International companies’ development projects on the automotive market in Russia; on existing or future partnerships with local operators, on successes and difficulties met by the pioneers on this market.
France-Russia Automotive is distributed twice a year, both on paper and electronically. To receive the next issues for a free trial you only need to
subscribe on our website: www.autofrancorusse.fr
France-Russia Automotive is published by
Agence du Fil SARL Company, whose publications are devoted to the Franco-Russian trade.


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La maquette de l'Auto Franco-Russe a été réalisée avec le concours de l'agence Vingt-Quatre Graphisme